June 1 – November 3, Are you prepared?
Our channel 9 says there are 176 full time residents in the park – that’s well more than half the residents that are here for the summer. Some go north on vacation for a month or two but generally are here in Ridgewood during some or all of the Hurricane season. We all live in mobile homes which must be evacuated during a hurricane. I went on the Sarasota County website (be prepared) and there is a wealth of information. I encourage everyone here for the summer to spend some time on the website. The county is here to help and being prepared in advance will help them as well as yourself.
If you do not have access to a computer or cannot do this on-line, ask a family member or neighbor to help you. Sarasota County libraries have computers and are there to help you. It is very important that you get the information now, fill out the forms and plan NOW, before a storm is on its way. There is a brochure at the Clubhouse – pick up a copy.
There are NO evacuations centers in Venice so you must go to one in Sarasota or Northport. Decide now, before a storm is imminent where you would go and where it is, know the route in advance. Not every center takes animals, so if you have one, find out now which ones will allow your pet. Centers fill up and you may have to go elsewhere, don’t wait till the last minute to find a place, plan ahead now. The website SCGov.net/be prepared lists many places, the closest appear to be:
*Flashlight and extra batteries
*Your Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid cards, driver’s license, or photo ID
*Health records
*Medications for a few days – original bottles so labels can be read
*Drinking water for a few days
*Special food if particular diet is needed or you have allergies – 3+ day supply
*Bedding and pillows for each person
*Books, playing cards or electronic entertainment items, with cords and chargers
*Change of clothing for a few days
*Personal hygiene items (shampoo, toothpaste and brush, soap, towel, toilet paper)
Each person will be limited in space to approximately 20 square feet (or less if the center becomes overcrowded which does happen) and meal service can be delayed. If you have special needs due to diet or allergies, bring your own food for a few days. It may be cold, but at least it is something. Can’t stress enough that you prepare for at least 72 hours. If a hurricane should actually hit, emergency crews may not get to you for 3 or more days. They recommend you are prepared with your medications, food, and water to get through at least 3 days on your own. You should bring your medications in the original bottle so the prescription can be read. Centers become overcrowded which means long lines for food and washrooms. Keep that in mind and get prepared now.
If you cannot drive and need transportation, fill out the forms now. DONT wait till the storm is expected within 60 hours. You may need a family member or friend to help you fill out information on-line. Don’t be afraid to ask for help NOW so you are prepared when a storm comes.
If you register now, when a Rally Point changes, you will receive automated telephone messages with information about the new location and when they will pick up. Depending on the severity of a storm, Rally Points may change. Another reason to register now if you need help rather than waiting.
Sarasota County will provide bus transportation for you and your pets (along with a limited amount of supplies) to and from a general population evacuation center. This program is activated ONLY when Sarasota County has declared county emergency, an activation is ordered, and evacuation centers are opened. Transportation will be offered at designated rally points through the County.
Venice Area Rally Points:
Garden Elementary School Taylor Ranch Elementary School
700 Center Road 2599 Taylor Ranch Trail
Taylor Ranch Elementary School
2599 Taylor Ranch Trail
If you have a qualifying medical need, you should apply for registration a medically dependent person (MDP) now. It is important to apply in advance in case you need help at a medically dependent Evacuation Center during a disaster. Pre registration helps them help you when time is short, and a storm is imminent. Don’t wait if you really need help now. The application is online, and you can get help from your care provider.
Once again, you must prepare in advance not just for yourself, but for your pet. Your pet is dependent on you for protection. Not every evacuation center can take pets. Make sure you know where you are going to go in advance. Don’t add stress to your life or your pets by waiting till the last minute. Make sure you take food, water and a and medications for your animal for 3 days. If you plan to stay with family or friends, make sure they will take your pet. If you plan to stay at a Hotel – make sure it will take your animal. Make your plans now.
What to take for your Pet:
*papers providing proof of current licenses and vaccinations
*pet must be in appropriate pet crate
*collar and leash
*provide all food and water needed for your pet for 3 days
*medications if you animal takes them
*You must be able to be responsible for your pets needs