The HOC committee has determined these as our first-tier concerns to bring up the new manager once he takes office. Water fountain fix? Handicap doors working? Resolved Enforcement of pool rules? Like drinking and other rules not being obeyed in
RIDGEWOOD SOCIAL ASSOCIATION MEETING – Nov 7, 2023 Final (Minutes) after Meeting “THINK POSITIVE, TALK POSITIVE, BE POSITIVE – IT BENEFITS EVERYONE” TREASURY REPORT – Checking $3,801 & CD $3,120 50/50 – $69, SPLIT $34.50. Lou won and donated back.
I would like to thank everyone for attending the November Potluck Dinner and Association meeting. I have to apologize for the microphone screw up, it was my fault. I thought Jack was coming (he knows how to use it) but
Thinks are starting back up again in the park. Plan to come join your friends and meet your new neighbors at the next Potluck Dinner and Association Meeting. We have a lovely Christmas Tea for the ladies in mid December