- November 2024 Newsletter
The HOC committee has determined these as our first-tier concerns to bring up the new manager once he takes office.
Water fountain fix?
Handicap doors working? Resolved
Enforcement of pool rules? Like drinking and other rules not being obeyed in park.
Pool grouting?
Is HOA responsible for clean loungers and chairs?
Prospectus vs new lease agreements?
Carport rules vs park’s new homes?
Handicap accessibility for bathrooms in clubhouse?
Keep those concerns coming.
Harry Hubling,
HOC Committee
Final (Minutes) after Meeting
TREASURY REPORT – Checking $3,801 & CD $3,120
50/50 – $69, SPLIT $34.50. Lou won and donated back.
PAM JOHNSON MEDICARE AGENT – 941-323-8442 – Call her and she will sit with you about extra insurance at no price.
HEALTH FAIR – Tuesday – 2/13 – Pam and Brook – more information to come.
ANN & POETE – Discussed items of importance. A copy to review will be put in the Ridgewood Paper. (nothing received for this month)
LIABILITY INSURANCE – in 2019 we paid $500 and in 2023 we paid $1650. A 330% incr3ease in 4 years. We will be dropping off to everyone and envelope to put in your donation of $10-$20 per mobile home. You can drop it off inside the Clubhouse box or at 807 Ixora Circle (near Clubhouse – gray mobile home with garage) in the box on the porch.
NEW PEOPLE TO THE PARK – We will set up a time for a board member to sit down and talk about the Social Association. Tom will check with Ann.
POOL RULES – We need to let renters and families adhere to these: “READ ALL RULES OUTISDE ON THE CLUBHOUSE WALL”
B. NO SMOKING OR VAPING IN POOL AREA (you need to be outside the fence
ALL TABLES & CHAIRS (except card tables) need to be put away after every event.
No tables or chairs can be taken out of the Clubhouse at any time. Card tables, maybe & you need to see the President (Tom Duffy). They cannot go out of the park.
HOA/HOC – We have 7 people volunteering their time till we vote in January. If you have any questions, fill out a form on the bookcase on the main floor (of the Clubhouse). A letter was received that if the Owners go to sell the property, we have the 1st shot of buying it. Anyone can run for office, please call Angie at 317-775-5384.
CLUBHOUSE PARTIES FOR FAMILIES – Remember, the use of the pool is off limits to non-members that do not live here.
ACTIVITIES – All people that run them have to talk to the Social President (Tom Duffy) & ask him if you need anything. Do not go out & buy anything unless you have been told it’s ok. We will not pay for anything that we have not approved by the Board.
In order to do all these events we need people to step up & organize the event. The same people can’t do everything. Need new blood.
Tuesday 11/17
Tuesday 12/5
Tuesday 1/21 – (not sure about association meeting – we will let you know)
Tuesday 3/5
Tuesday 4/2
Discuss seating options and theme’s – Dec meeting
KARAOKE – The first Saturday of the month 7-10pm
The next date is December 9th. We are thinking about doing decades each month. So, starting in January (1930-1059), February 1060’s), March (1970’s) & April (Country)
FLORIDA ELECTRIC – FPL – appreciation day – Tuesday 11/14 @ 9:30 (doughnuts & coffee) Wants to talk about ways to save money & will give out gift cards & raffle prizes. Need to sign up.
THANKSGIVING DINNER – Thursday 11/23 @ 1pm. We will supply the turkey’s & you must bring a dish (just like we do at Potluck Dinners). You must sign up by 11/14 in the Clubhouse. Call Tom 315-317-4804 if you can’t sign up in Clubhouse. Deb & Jen are organizers.
UNDERHOME ARMOR – They tie down mobile homes – Tuesday 12/12 @ 9:30am (Coffee & Doughnuts). They will discuss everything they do and answer any questions. They do advertise in our paper.
CHRISTMAS DINNER – Monday 12/25@ 1pm. We will supply the hams & you must bring a dish (just like we do at Potluck Dinners). You must sign up by 1`2/15 in the Clubhouse & what you are bringing.
VALENTINES DAY PARTY – Saturday 2/10 – Need to discuss food with Board. Li e Music 7-10pm.
SPAGHETTI DINNER – TBD February. Vickie & Arlene are organizers.
ST. PATRICK’S DAY – Sunday 3/17 – Discuss food & Date. (Maybe do Reubens) (lunch). Board will decide. Maybe a food truck, Denise will check.
CASINO NIGHT – TBD – This is a night to raise money for the Social Association. Arlene is organizer.
CARPORT SALE – Cindy is organizer. Bob & Barb have stepped up to help her. It will be sometime in February, Saturday. More to come. Need date. $10/person that is selling items. (Example – if 2 people or more people do it together it is $20 total).
CRAFT FAIR/BAKE SALE – This may be on the same day as the carport sale.
WOMAN’S TEA PARTY – Need date & Angie organizer, 1-3pm, need elves.
USE OF CLUBHOUSE for parties to be ok’d by Tom, just call me 315-317-4804. Please clean up after yourselves.
YEAR END PARTY – Friday, April 26, 2024 @ 5/30pm
BUS TRIPS – Chris & Sue are organizers. Ideas were concerts, hockey game, casino , musicals & shows. Below is our 1st trip. Saturday 12/9 – holiday themed big top @ UTC – A BRAVE NEW WONDERLAND – CIRCUS DE SOLEIL – Matinee @ 2:30. Leave @ 1pm from Clubhouse $20 for bus – food, beverages, beer & wine available. Ticks are $30-$75. Box Office 941-355-9805 or WWW.CIRCUSARTS.ORG . You have to purchase your own tickets on line. If you need assistance, contact Chris Hughes (269-325-9982) or Sue Seeley (315-415-9726). Please sign up in the Clubhouse.
FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR GET TOGETHER – maybe 5:00 to 7:00 with music & appetizers. Need to discuss & need organizer. It will be every 2 weeks. Maybe silent auction.
FOOD TRUCKS COMING TO PARK – seems that people were interested. We also will be looking into a fresh produce truck. Tom will be talking to 2 trucks. Dates to be determined. We will have people delivering if you can’t make it up. More to come. FRIDAY 12/5 @11 TO 2:00 – hot dogs a& sausage. $4-$6. $6-$8 with beverage & chips. He will be @ the Clubhouse. If you can’t make it up, we will deliver to your doorstep.’
ENTERTAINMENT NIGHT – Charlotte will organize this event. Need date.
END OF MEETING – Thanks to all who participated.
OFFICERS ELECTION – Anyone can run for a position. You need to contact a Board member. We do have the Vice-President position available. Denise will contact any (VP) and Jonnie (HOA).
I would like to thank everyone for attending the November Potluck Dinner and Association meeting. I have to apologize for the microphone screw up, it was my fault. I thought Jack was coming (he knows how to use it) but he was sick. I will learn how to use it, so this doesn’t happen again, Sorry. Slowly getting back to a somewhat manageable pre-covid life again, which is good for all.
There are a few things that we all need to work on. We need to “THINK POSITIVE & BE POSITIVE – IT BENEFITS EVEREYONE”. Change, we have gone through a lot of changes over our lifetime so we shouldn’t be upset when things do change, we need to be flexible & understanding of what’s being done. Last but not least, at meetings we need to stop the side conversations going on when someone is speaking, no matter who it is. It is very disrespectful
It’s great to see everyone coming back to their winter homes. Let’s have a great end to “23 & a superb start to 24”. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!!
Thomas F. Duffy
Social Association President
- December
Thinks are starting back up again in the park. Plan to come join your friends and meet your new neighbors at the next Potluck Dinner and Association Meeting. We have a lovely Christmas Tea for the ladies in mid December and of course a delicious Christmas Dinner for everyone.
We need volunteers for all the coming activities so figure out what you would like to help with and give them call. See inside for details and contacts. If you have any questions, call one of the Board members listed inside and they will help you get sorted.
Anything you would like in the newsletter, just text or email me. Would love pictures from any activities you attend. Text me at 970-749-0943 or email at smcd9754#+@gmail.com.
Merry Christmas everyone,
Susie McDowell
Nickle Bingo
2nd & 4th Thursday
1st Tuesday of month
1st Tuesday of month