June 1 st is the start of the Atlantic Hurricane Season. Let’s all hope Mother Nature is a bit better this year and leaves Florida alone. Get your plan ready now for evacuation – don’t wait till the last minute to try and find shelter. Go online to state of florida.com for information. They have information on how to prepare, where to go, what to take with you., etc. Sarasota County has a website, scgov.net that has lots of good information – if you are medical dependent, have pets, local evacuation centers, etc. Read this newsletter for more information and get prepared. Take a couple hours in the next few weeks – read up and get ready. Don’t forget while you are up north you can read our newsletter online at: ontracnewsletters.net and check out the park website at Ridgewoodvenice.com.
Please send any information you want in the newsletter to me at:
Safe summer everyone,
Susie McDowell

From your Ridgewood Reporter