At the Ridgewood Association Annual Meeting, two areas of our by-laws were adjusted and accepted. Also, our 2023 Board was elected.


SECTION 1. A QUORUM of members for the purpose of conducting ordinary business of the Association during the months of November of any calendar year through May of the next calendar year shall consist of not less than (forty 40) members; for the months of June through October of a given calendar year a Quorum shall consist of not less than (twenty-five 25) members. At annual meetings when business includes the election of officers and changes in the by-laws the Quorum shall not be less than (fifty 50) members. Quorums may only be adjusted at Annual meetings.


SECTION 5. All expenditures, none of which may exceed ($50.00) in total, must be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board. Authorization to spend ($400.00 or more) shall be given only by a majority vote of the membership at a REGULAR, SPECIAL, or ANNUAL meeting at which a quorum of members is present.

2023 Ridgewood Mobile Home Park
Social Association officers

Thomas Duffy- 807 Ixora- 315-317-4804

Vice President, Purchase agent

Vicki Cangello- 848 Allamanda- 315-794-2955

Vice President-
Harry Hubbling- 238 Jacaranda- 401-474-1279

Debbie Dufour-807 Ixora- 315-243-5984

Denise Giesler-385 Mandarin- 941-586-5285

Ridgewood Association Annual Meeting