I would like to thank everyone for attending the November Potluck Dinner and Association meeting.  I have to apologize for the microphone screw up, it was my fault.  I thought Jack was coming (he knows how to use it) but he was sick.  I will learn how to use it, so this doesn’t happen again, Sorry.  Slowly getting back to a somewhat manageable pre-covid life again, which is good for all.

There are a few things that we all need to work on.  We need to “THINK POSITIVE & BE POSITIVE – IT BENEFITS EVEREYONE”.  Change, we have gone through a lot of changes over our lifetime so we shouldn’t be upset when things do change, we need to be flexible & understanding of what’s being done.  Last but not least, at meetings we need to stop the side conversations going on when someone is speaking, no matter who it is.  It is very disrespectful

It’s great to see everyone coming back to their winter homes.  Let’s have a great end to “23 & a superb start to 24”.  MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!!

Thomas F. Duffy

Social Association President