50/50 – $190.00 collected, $95.00 to the winner, Harry Hubbling. $85 was donated back to the Association.
Armed Forces prayer for all the people, especially those who lost their life.
A Thank You goes out to Bill Bowers who cleaned up the Library Area.
A Thank You went out to everyone who have held events over the last 2 months & everyone who attended them.
Treasurer Report from Debbie $3,660.82 in checking account and $3,120.33 in CD.
Improvements: Brett is doing a fantastic job in making Ridgewood a better place. It takes time to get everything done, because Brett, Pete & Chuck can only do so much a day. He is waiting on permits from Venice to remove the mobile homes destroyed. He has a contract company ready to go. Shuffleboard area will get a new look with a permanent roof covering them. He has a lot on his plate & we need to be patient because it will happen.
Vickie: Casino Night Saturday 3/11 6-9:00, St Patrick’s Day Irish Tacos with corned beef & cabbage 3/17 5:30-7:00 – $9.00 pp. BYOB, everything else will be taking care of.
Also, if you are planning an event with food, see Vickie because she will help you get the best prices. Her daughter has a restaurant in the North Port area.
Pancake Breakfast – Saturday 3/25 8-9:30. We will be offering 3 different pancakes: Original, Blueberry & Gluten Free. Gluten Free will be served @ 8:30 SHARP. Please sign up @ the Clubhouse or call Tom @ 315-317-4804. You have to mark off what pancakes you would like.
Carport Sale Saturday 3/18 8-3:00 – $10 per home to participate. Tom will come around & pick up the money during the day. We need help with parking. Tom & Paul will discuss.
Meeting Notes will now be posted on the website and in the clubhouse.
Pot Luck Dinners – themes will be chosen for each event i.e., Spanish, Irish, Southern, etc.
There’s a dog living inside the circle, it is a service dog and was approved by management. Don’t bother Brett.
Ridgewood T-shirts are now $15/each of 2 for $25. WE NEED TO SELL all of them. The money raised goes to the Association.
Jack Paust is retiring from the HOA, people are needed to fill positions. Any Volunteers?
Year End Party 3/31, 5:30-7:30 Hot Dogs & Hamburg’s will be provided by the Association. There is no cost to anyone. BYOB. If you would like to bring any salads, chips & dip or desserts that would be a big help.
Open floor session for comments/requests:
Susie Q – would like the pool deck cleaned & the outdoor shower replaced.
Sue & Lou said it would be nice to have photos of the people who passed away displayed on a table @ the Memorial Event on Sunday 3/26 @ 1PM.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 Sharp.